Creditors not only earn too much money by charging high interest rates but also give too much to bad debtors. Credit card companies don't take anything as security so, you take a bigger risk. On the other hand, their customers pay interest due to the absence of this security. Credit card companies pay taxes to the government each year and there are other huge expenses of running extra large businesses. These expenses are not paid by their officers from their pockets. All this money comes from the earning. Each year, over a million of people file bankruptcy cases each year. As a result, creditors have to suffer from great loss. Credit card debt relief options can be helpful for both creditors and their debtors.
According to the stats provided by U.S court, in 2009, almost 1,412,870 cases of bankruptcy were recorded. In 2010, this number increased by 14%. in 2011, there a great possibility that this number will not stop mounting. With such a large number of bankruptcies, they are going to affect creditors very badly. In order to survive in this situation, many companies sell their bad debts to collection companies. This option is less favorable than credit card debt relief.
Through negotiation many problems can be solved without much trouble. Similarly, credit card debts issues can be solved through negotiation. For this purpose, a person can hire a professional lawyer. In order to promote credit card debt relief and decrease bankruptcy filings, creditors have to settle debts of more and more clients. Through this way, not only they will get at least half of their money back but they will also be able to get rid of consumer bankruptcies.
The Government of United States is also making new laws that can encourage people for getting credit card debt relief through legal options like debt settlement and avoid ruining their future lives by using bankruptcy as a way out. As a matter of fact, bankruptcy may seem easy pill to swallow but it's after effects will make your life sick for ever. On the other hand, debt settlement will pull you out of debts and you will be able to regain your financial freedom soon.
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