Thursday, January 27, 2011

Credit Consolidation Loans and Your Overall Finances

Here are a few points to highlight how credit consolidation loans may be of use to you:

  • if you have several forms of debt such as, credit cards, store cards, personal loans and HP loans etc, then, depending on your financial circumstances, you may be able to save significant sums of money each month when servicing those debts;
  • the basic principle involves taking out a single larger loan and using it to pay off all your other borrowing;
  • these types of larger loan are called credit consolidation loans or debt consolidation loans;
  • as the larger loan is for larger amounts of money, you may find that you will be able to borrow at a more attractive rate of interest then you are currently paying for your numerous but smaller individual loans;
  • once you have paid the individual loans off, you will be left with only a single monthly repayment that should, if you have checked the mathematics, mean that your total monthly outgoings are less than they were when you were paying off the individual borrowing separately;
  • depending upon the size of the sum you need to borrow, the loan provider may require the loan to be secured - typically against your home if you are a homeowner (these may be known as homeowner loans or secured loans);
  • you should note that if you are unable to keep up the repayments on borrowing that is secured against your home, then your home may be seized and sold to recover the debt;
  • the maximum loan amounts available will vary depending upon the loan provider, however, it would generally be based upon a combination of your income, your monthly outgoings and if secured, the level of equity that you have in your house;
  • potential loan providers may not advance amounts based upon the total of your existing debt outgoings but rather upon what they believe you could reasonably afford to pay on a month-by-month basis.

If you are considering this type of approach because you are struggling to meet your current debts, it may be very effective.

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