Monday, January 31, 2011

Forex Day Trading - The Biggest Mistake Short Term Traders Make Which Causes Losses

Forex day trading and scalping strategies are very popular because they are seen as a way to trade with low risk and the concept is to make a big profit over time by taking small regular profits - so what is the key mistake made by day traders which causes losses? - let's find out.

The problem with Forex day trading is that all volatility in the short term is random and this means you cannot win at it over the long term - don't believe me? Read on and you will see why.

Day traders did make money before the internet when a small select group had the price before everyone else but this advantage was wiped out by the internet - now anyone has the price instantly and there is no longer a small window of time where the select few can make a quick profit.

Of course the idea of making money regularly each day, is attractive and there are a number of gurus' and system sellers, selling scalping systems which appeal to greedy and naïve traders - but try and find a real time track record which is AUDITED which shows real profits and your in for a long search.

If you want to make money in Forex trading, you need to trade the odds and this means using a longer term time frame. A look at any chart will show you there are big trends which last for many weeks and if you trade these trends and hold them, you will make a lot more money with less effort.

All the professional traders focus on the long term trends and you should to because - you have the odds on your side and this means they offer you the oportunity to make big gains.

In Forex trading 95% of traders lose money and in terms of day traders or scalpers, its 100% over the long term - so if you want to make money avoid trading short term and trade the big long term trends - it really is that simple.

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