Thursday, January 20, 2011

Credit Debt Reduction - How New FTC Laws Can Help Consumers Reduce Credit Card Debt

The government of America has introduced the option of debt settlement for all those people who want to get quick and fast credit debt reduction. Before the establishment of this program, the federal administrators were confident that this method will reach to its ultimate peaks but unfortunately this process did go up to the expectations of the government. In fact it is true to say that they get failed to capture the attention of the masses.

The presence and availability of fake and illegal settlement firms is the main reason why people were afraid to adopt this credit debt reduction method. The fake companies bring more financial distress rather relaxation. They charge the service fees in advance from customers. At the time of charging, they ensure the person regarding quick reduction in the amount of debts but in reality they never bother to negotiate with the lender for this purpose. Moreover, after some time, they make the person aware about the failure of the process, and when that person asks for the return of his money, the companies simply refuse him and mention that it is non refundable. This thing was very upsetting and discouraging for the people due to which they don't prefer to adopt this debt relief option.

In order to get back people's attention towards the option of debt settlement, the federal trade commission has made some modifications in the existing laws of settlement. The new rules and regulations clearly say that settlement companies are not liable for charging the upfront fees from customers unless and until they don't manage to settle their debts. If the company fails to bring reduction in the amount of the liabilities then a person has the legal right of not paying to it. Due to these changes the process of settlement get more authentic and reliable as the fear of getting ripped off by fake companies is no longer present.

With the help of the new rules and regulation people are getting speedy credit debt reduction as now people are also sure that only genuine and legitimate companies are offering their services in the markets.
The experts of the genuine firms negotiate with lenders and bring down 50% to 70% credit debt reduction in the outstanding balances easily.

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