Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Attract A Guy Over 40 - Do You Know This Secret

You may be back on the dating scene and watching for the next guy to go out with. So, you need to know how to attract a guy over 40. But of course, there are times that you are unconscious of your actions. You also cannot always watch your every move. You might be on a hurry going to work, or just passing time at a coffee shop. These moments are not exemptions to finding the next older guy to date.

If you think you cannot do this, that's where you're wrong. There are still effective ways to draw attention from mature males even if you're not doing a thing. There are secrets on how to be a magnet for men of a certain age. Appeal to that fellow next to you through these following simple tips:

Let your health be at its best. Whatever you wear, those love handles will show. Even if you tuck it too tight, men will notice. Especially if you're caught off guard, whether you're fit or not, they could see it. Start hitting the gym again. Lose those excess pounds. Groom your body to be at its healthiest. Impress him with your sexy body. Even if you don't intend to make a hit with guys, you'll fascinate them by your look.

Be very clear on what type of guys forty plus you would like. One thing that most women wonder is why they can't bait, hook and catch a gentleman they want to be with. It's because they are not sure what kind of guys they want to date. Captivate the attention of the right man by knowing what you really want. The question is not only how to get him attracted. The real question is how to attract a guy over 40 that you really like.

Don't intimidate the guys around you. They are driven away by women who show excessive confidence. Balance it by showing a sweet smile once in a while. Walking as if you are the most beautiful girl around can be a good start. Doing this simple thing can entice men to take the next step. But overdoing it can send a wrong impression to them. They might think that you see yourself too highly and that they cannot approach you.

Show your friendly side. You may not know this, but men observe women in public. Be a magnet for a man by unleashing a pleasing aura. Laugh and converse with grace when you are out with your friends. Show him that you are fun and that you are sociable. They are enchanted with women who know how to carry themselves in public places.

Sweep a gentleman off his feet by wearing a lingering scent. You might not intend to draw his attention, but it will definitely haunt him in a good way. Men can be particular about how a woman smells. Most of the time, they associate a woman with her scent.

Always be relaxed. Men sense it when a woman is all tense and jittery. This isn't the best way on how to attract a guy over 40. So, what you need to do is gather yourself, relax and look comfortable anywhere you go.

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