Thursday, December 30, 2010

Call Worldwide For Free With VoIP

VoIP has many advantages over regular PSTN lines. For home users, it can cut their telephone bills drastically. But most organizations incorporate VoIP into their communications framework for the business features it provides. Nonetheless, even with these organizations, VoIP can save them an absolute bundle of money in an important area of their operations - international calls.

Calling between countries has always been expensive and despite the lower call rates over the last few years, it remains so. This is because for regular phone companies, routing phone calls between nations requires cooperation within multiple organizations, negotiations of rates, government levies et. This is why such calls can never be as cheap as local ones. Not even close.

This is where VoIP really shines. By routing data over the Internet most of the time, it can avoid most of the costs incurred and allow users to make cheap calls overseas. You just need to open up the call rates for any of the VoIP companies, whether it's Google Voice, Skype, Fring, or Truphone.

But there's even better news for large businesses. Most big firms have offices overseas and inter office calls are frequent. Conferencing is a very important part of the operations for large teams spread out geographically and the costs of conference calls can quickly escalate. But with proper management, VoIP can make international calls between offices totally free!

When calling a third party, you have no control over whether or not that person is on a regular phone line or on a VoIP line. But when a company is calling one of its own, it knows whether the other person is using VoIP or not. When two offices are using VoIP by the same provider, the entire call can be transferred over the Internet - not just part of it. This results in the call being totally free for both the person calling and the person taking the call! It's just like sending email. No charge.

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