Thursday, December 30, 2010

Myths Related to VoIP

You can make use of the Internet in order to make phone calls that are free from charge to cell phones and land lines. This statement is a myth. Services such as Skype will allow you to make free local, as well as international calls to other Skype members only. In case you are looking forward for calling regular phone lines, then you will have to pay a small amount to avail this service. Simply attaching a VoIP phone with the internet will not give a dial tone, and will not allow you to make calls. You will have to get a dialer tone, which will cost you some money. However, these services are much cheaper, compared to local phone companies.

It is essential to have a VoIP telephone for using VoIP dialer tones. There are reasonable, at times free adapters, which you can use in order to attach any business telephone system or any other phone with VoIP dial tones. You can easily find several VoIP service providers offering these adapters free of charge. All you need to do is sign up with them for their services. However, there are a few VoIP service providers that require you to enter in a contract with them for the attaining the free adapter.

VoIP services are always cheaper as compared to the traditional telephone services. This is not always the case. It largely depends on the usage and size patterns. Getting calls over traditional lines do not cost anything, except from the monthly line rentals, while, on the other hand; there are a few VoIP service providers that charge for every minute, for both inbound as well as outbound calls. There are a few VoIP lines that feature unlimited usage; however, you will have to pay an extra amount for that every month.

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