Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is Romance Over For Women at 50

In the deep and distant past, romance for women always seemed to grind to a halt as they approached the dreaded "five-oh". Women in the olden days had always been conditioned to believe that at fifty, romance was no longer for them; it was not "a nice thing to do"; they should take a back seat in life and just become permanent "grannies", otherwise known as fee-free childminders. Fortunately now, both for the hunting man and the loving woman, this is no longer the case.

Yes, you may have been involved with the one man for quite a number of years and became "single" either through an untimely bereavement or divorce. Yes, you are probably out of practise at the romancing game but it is very much like riding a bike; once learned, never forgotten, even if you feel a bit wobbly at first through lack of practise! If you have seen the man of your current dreams, use the weapons at your disposal and romance him into your arms.

Women of fifty have a far greater understanding of life than their younger counterparts. Experience gained over the years is priceless. Mature women now know what they want from a relationship and, more importantly, they are acutely aware of what they don't want. Times has taught them what makes a man "tick" and through the benefits of previous relationships short or long, have learnt how to apply that magic formula.

These days as women physically mature, they have ample support to make this metamorphose more satisfying. They have the advantage of the gym along with health foods and diets. Beauty treatments which only help to enhance the true person are in abundance and the array of fashionable clothing now available for this age bracket can leave the average male, both young and old, sitting in a complete state of open-mouthed admiration and, dare it be said, true lust.

No ladies, you are far from "past it" when you attain the age of fifty and let it be said; you have still not reached the pinnacle of attraction on that birthday. Forget the adage "Life begins at forty" as in reality it really only starts at fifty and do not let anyone, especially your offspring, tell you otherwise.

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