Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making the Most of Your Membership to Christian Dating Sites

In dating as in anything else, every time you try to impose a few conditions on the qualities a person might have that you might be happy with them, you lower your chances of finding someone. The freer you are about the kind of person you'll be happy with, the wider your field of choice. What do you do when you are Christian, and the thought of compromising on your principles by dating someone who isn't as attached to their religion as you, upsets you? Thankfully, there plenty of Christian dating sites out there. Now we will get to these shortly. But before we do, have you considered reading up about Christian dating to help make the most of your dating experience? Yes, there are books out there that help you understand how to reconcile your religion with your dating interests. Books like How I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and Holding Hands, Holding Hearts by Richard Phillips give you a good deal of practical advice on how exactly to understand the position of the Bible on love and dating, and how to practice this in today's world.

Let's start with Christiandatingforfree. It works like quite any other dating site does, except that it allows you to search for not just someone to date, but to search for a friend, a marriage partner, or even a worship partner. As you can see, this is a website that isn't all that particular about your denomination. To people who take their religion very seriously, this website doesn't really offer enough way of filtering options. Consider the next one though - Catholicmatch, a website that allows you to drill in as deep as you want, finding the exact kind of person for your hopes. They ask you questions about your views on premarital sex, contraception, the pope and a lot more. You don't just automatically get on the website once you sign up either. You'll need to wait to be approved by the management. And yes, membership here is pretty expensive at about $25 a month.

People usually try to look their best when they sign up for an account on an online dating site. Not so with some Christian dating sites. The SingleChristianNetwork is a dating site that caters for the most part to divorced or widowed Christians who would like to date someone of their own faith. The refreshing thing about people who sign up on this website is that they usually aren't putting on their best face for the camera. They look like they would everyday, and that's about as Christian as it can get.

And finally, Christiancaf?is one of the most well-established and respected names in Christian dating sites around, having been in business for at least 12 years. The great thing about a website that's well-established is that they tend to have a great subscriber base - about the most important thing you can think of when dating. They have an iPhone app to help you make the most of the membership too.

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