Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Removal of Kidney Stones: What Will You Choose, Natural or Surgical?

The removal of kidney stones can be done in a many ways but then it still depends on the type, size and cause of the stones as to what is the appropriate method to use. Treating kidney stones can be done naturally if you want to have no extra cost for it or you could opt for medical surgeries that you could spend a lot of money just to remove them. Either way, the best treatments for stones are preventive measures to keep your body healthy and less susceptible to stone formation.

Removing kidney stones can be as natural as drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, this is only applicable for stones that are smaller in size because there are circumstances in which it requires intensive treatment to remove the infection.

Some of the possible ways to remove stones in the kidney include the following:

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

This procedures works for almost everyone in removing the stones that do not naturally pass on their own. This is commonly done when the stones are found in the upper part of the ureter or pelvic area. It uses shockwaves to break the stones into smaller pieces so they can pass out in the urine.

Parathyroid Surgery

Parathyroid surgery or percutaneous nephrolithotomy is applicable for stones that are bigger in size and which the ESWL cannot break up. It ensures complete removal of the stones because all the smaller stones are removed from the body during surgery.

Laser Lithotripsy

Laser lithotripsy breaks the stones up with the use of laser energy. Then, the smaller pieces are passed out of the body through the urine.


Ureteroscopy is done when the stones are found in the middle or lower part of the ureter.

Open Surgery

This is done when the stones are too big and can't pass out of the body and is a last ditch effort in order to get rid of the pain and discomfort once and for all. This is also recommended when the stones are already blocking the urine passage and/or there is urinary tract infection.

Non-Surgical Solutions

This is the most favored way to remove stones in the kidneys by either taking natural remedies and other preventive measures to keep the condition at bay. This is also effective, safe and much cheaper compared to surgical methods.

The removal of kidney stones can be done through surgical procedures or natural methods depending on the size, type and causes of the stones. However to avoid costly and painful stone removal through surgeries.

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