Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dissolving Kidney Stones: Is There A Secret Formula

Dissolving kidney stones cannot be done by just using a secret formula or anything like that. To effectively dissolve it - modifying the way you eat may speed up the process in dissolving and getting rid of the stones in the kidneys. Following a healthy lifestyle and diet will not only help in dissolving these stones but will prevent the condition from coming back.

Dissolving kidney stones is done by increasing the fluid intake in the body. This is one of the recommended methods in getting rid of your stones and passing them out in the urinary tract. A drink of water about two to three quarts in a day is quite beneficial for your body.

Modifying your diet will also speed up the process in dissolving the stones such as replacing foods that can cause toxin build up in the body. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and some animal products are foods that are highly recommended in the diet. They are a good source of detoxifying agents in the body.

Some foods that aid in detoxification are cranberries, watermelons, lemons and dandelion. A lemon juice incorporated in the diet can also help to dissolve stones. Cranberries and watermelons that are eaten as fruits or drank as juice are also a good source of detoxification. Avoiding dairy products should also be done to avoid an increase calcium levels that might increase the risk of developing calcium stones in the kidneys. Stone formation will less likely appear for people who eat a lot of rich fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables and those who eat less foods that are rich in fats, sugar.

Dissolving stones can be done through a major change in a diet. Although there is no special formula that can dissolve them, a dietary change might help in speeding the process of dissolving and passing stones out of the body. Various home remedies such as increased water intake, lemon and cranberry juice drinks and avoiding foods that can aggravate the condition can really help a lot.

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