Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sensible Dating for Singles

Wouldn't it be a horrific tragedy to meet your soul mate and either not know it because of being to involved in the many obstacles we live in or just not be "Ready" because of external issues. By External issues I am referring to perhaps being involved with someone else, family obligations, or even going through a divorce.

Through the ages, there tend to be a gender difference in ways that men and woman think of dating. Women think more with their minds, their hearts, and their "Feelings" looking towards the big picture of things and their future. On the other hand, men tend to think of the here and now, the I am out for a good time, have sex, try out the ride, sort of speak, before I make any definite decisions on any kind of future.

When starting to date it is equally important for both parties to be open and honest on whether they are looking for a monogamist relationship or if they are just out to have a good time and to just "see what happens." Of course this thought process is ok just as long as both parties are informed of each others intentions.

These thoughts also need to go along with one who may have children;
Is this person trust worthy to be around my child?
Do I know if they even like children?
When is the right time to introduce both my new partner and my child/children?

This brings up yet another thought! Just when is a "Good" time to introduce them? The smart bet would be not until you have been dating for a while, have gotten to know the others true intentions, where your relationship is going, and again, is this person trust worthy to be around my child? These things need to be thought out carefully because you certainly would not want your child to be exposed to many different partners until the right one comes along!

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